
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 21

How far along? Week 21 and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: +8 lbs so far
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing my lovely maternity leggings a lot, but I'm still making my regular clothing work for now
Stretch marks? Nope, putting on lotion EVERYDAY!
Sleep: Sleep is the same, waking up about 2-3 times
Best moment this week: Feelings baby move!
Miss Anything? My legs not so achy all the time
Movement: The baby is doing a lot of kicks and flips in there!
Food cravings: Cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: None of that for a while :) I'm liking it
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I am finally getting to that stage where I look pregnant and people don't question it!
Gender: Our next ultrasound is on Feb. 12th. Fingers crossed!!!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I'm noticing my belly button it starting to get really flat and kind of hard, but it is still slightly in for now
Wedding ring on or off? Still on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Extremely happy :)
Looking forward to: Our next appointment as usual, and to feel the baby kick more!

This week has gone by pretty fast! As you can tell, I am three days late on updating, but it happens! This past week on Tuesday we had our monthly doctor's appointment. This one was just a simple check-up, with using the Doppler, and chatting about my body changes and whatnot. So, that means we still have not found out if Baby Gale is a boy or girl yet! I'm getting so anxious! Thankfully our next appointment is when we have an ultrasound scheduled again, and that will be when the doctor check EVERYTHING to make sure it's all going smooth - which I have no doubt it is :) I also have no doubt that we will find out the gender at the next appointment... unless the baby is positioned funny.
Justin and I have been able to feel the baby move a lot more this week, which is really exciting! I don't even mind when the baby completely shifts around and pushes/kicks my bladder. It's just a great feeling and can't wait to hold him/her.

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