
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 19

How far along? Week 19
Total weight gain/loss: 4-5 lbs
Maternity clothes? I'm still wearing my regular clothes, but I now have maternity clothes on backup
Stretch marks? None! :)
Sleep: Sleep is going the same with the usual bathroom wake-ups
Best moment this week: Getting the time to just relax after all the traveling!
Miss Anything? Being able to button up my pants
Movement: I've been feeling the baby moving around :) Now I'm just trying to get the moment where Daddy can feel it too!
Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm still waiting for those weird cravings to show up!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells actually don't make me very queasy anymore, just more of unpleasant smells here and there.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes! I can't believe I still have a lot more to grow too!
Gender: Still unknown???
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely happy and very anxious for May!
Looking forward to: Our next baby appointment!

It feels so long since I last updated! We got to go back home to Michigan and spend Christmas with our family and friends, so between the traveling and visiting with everyone, the blog kind of slipped our minds! 
In the past two weeks the only things new is that 1) I'm getting bigger! and 2) I can feel Baby move a lot more now! :)
It is so exciting to realize that it's the baby moving in there and not just gas like I thought! I usually try to have Justin touch my belly when the baby is moving, but so far he still hasn't felt it, but soon enough he will!
Baby Gale is already loved and can't wait to be held by many of our friends and family. Babe even got Christmas presents! The first Giraffe and the My First Bible is from to-be-Grandma and Grandpa Gale. They even labeled the Christmas presents under the tree for "Baby Gale", but of course Justin and I opened them :)

 And the soft Giraffe is actually something Justin and I got while we were doing a little after-Christmas shopping :) I couldn't help myself.

So as of right now we still do not know the gender of Baby Gale, but I am determined to find this out!... Before he/she arrives in May. The anticipation is driving me crazy, and I just want to start getting more gender specific items and planning done. Our next appointment with the OB/GYM is on January 15th, so hopefully then we will have better luck in finding out!

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