How far along? 22 Weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +8 lbs
Maternity clothes? I have some, but I just discovered today I still fit into my favorite skinny jeans! :) They don't button up of course
Stretch marks? I hopefully won't get any!
Sleep: Sleep is decent, and I'm getting a few naps in here and there throughout the week
Stretch marks? I hopefully won't get any!
Sleep: Sleep is decent, and I'm getting a few naps in here and there throughout the week
Best moment this week: It will be this weekend when I get to relax at home and just feel baby move
Miss Anything? Hot bubble baths!
Movement: He/she is still kicking around in there!
Food cravings: Still chocolate milk like CRAZY, and frosted flakes. I think I could eat cereal all day.
Miss Anything? Hot bubble baths!
Movement: He/she is still kicking around in there!
Food cravings: Still chocolate milk like CRAZY, and frosted flakes. I think I could eat cereal all day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)
Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely showing a lot more, and I can tell people are noticing it too
Gender: It's still a mystery!
Labor Signs: Not yet, still have a while to go!
Labor Signs: Not yet, still have a while to go!
Belly Button in or out? It's almost completely flat! It should be an outie pretty soon!
Wedding ring on or off? Keeping it on still :)
Wedding ring on or off? Keeping it on still :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with some mood swings here and there, but I know they'll go away after a relaxing weekend!
Looking forward to: Sleeeeeeeeeeeep and the heating pad on my legs.
I wish I had something to update everyone one, but really this week hasn't been that eventful. Since I returned back to teaching, I'm starting to take naps a couple times during the week because I'm just so tired out by the time I get home! I'm thankful that it isn't as extreme as it was during my first trimester, but I can tell my body is feeling the pregnancy a lot more in different ways. I'm looking into getting compression socks or some sort of other support for pregnancy, hoping that will help with my achy back/legs/calves. I'm hoping to prevent getting swollen feet/ankles/anything for as long as I can! Since I'm too nervous to use my new heating pad on my back, I still get use out of it on my achy legs :) Works like a charm.
Baby has been moving around a lot still, and I'm always telling Justin so he can feel :) I can't wait for when we can actually see the movement!