
Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 22

How far along? 22 Weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +8 lbs
Maternity clothes? I have some, but I just discovered today I still fit into my favorite skinny jeans! :) They don't button up of course
Stretch marks? I hopefully won't get any!
Sleep: Sleep is decent, and I'm getting a few naps in here and there throughout the week
Best moment this week: It will be this weekend when I get to relax at home and just feel baby move
Miss Anything? Hot bubble baths!
Movement: He/she is still kicking around in there!
Food cravings: Still chocolate milk like CRAZY, and frosted flakes. I think I could eat cereal all day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)
Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely showing a lot more, and I can tell people are noticing it too
Gender: It's still a mystery!
Labor Signs: Not yet, still have a while to go!
Belly Button in or out? It's almost completely flat! It should be an outie pretty soon!
Wedding ring on or off? Keeping it on still :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with some mood swings here and there, but I know they'll go away after a relaxing weekend!
Looking forward to: Sleeeeeeeeeeeep and the heating pad on my legs. 

I wish I had something to update everyone one, but really this week hasn't been that eventful. Since I returned back to teaching, I'm starting to take naps a couple times during the week because I'm just so tired out by the time I get home! I'm thankful that it isn't as extreme as it was during my first trimester, but I can tell my body is feeling the pregnancy a lot more in different ways. I'm looking into getting compression socks or some sort of other support for pregnancy, hoping that will help with my achy back/legs/calves. I'm hoping to prevent getting swollen feet/ankles/anything for as long as I can! Since I'm too nervous to use my new heating pad on my back, I still get use out of it on my achy legs :) Works like a charm. 
Baby has been moving around a lot still, and I'm always telling Justin so he can feel :) I can't wait for when we can actually see the movement!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 21

How far along? Week 21 and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: +8 lbs so far
Maternity clothes? I'm wearing my lovely maternity leggings a lot, but I'm still making my regular clothing work for now
Stretch marks? Nope, putting on lotion EVERYDAY!
Sleep: Sleep is the same, waking up about 2-3 times
Best moment this week: Feelings baby move!
Miss Anything? My legs not so achy all the time
Movement: The baby is doing a lot of kicks and flips in there!
Food cravings: Cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: None of that for a while :) I'm liking it
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I am finally getting to that stage where I look pregnant and people don't question it!
Gender: Our next ultrasound is on Feb. 12th. Fingers crossed!!!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? I'm noticing my belly button it starting to get really flat and kind of hard, but it is still slightly in for now
Wedding ring on or off? Still on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Extremely happy :)
Looking forward to: Our next appointment as usual, and to feel the baby kick more!

This week has gone by pretty fast! As you can tell, I am three days late on updating, but it happens! This past week on Tuesday we had our monthly doctor's appointment. This one was just a simple check-up, with using the Doppler, and chatting about my body changes and whatnot. So, that means we still have not found out if Baby Gale is a boy or girl yet! I'm getting so anxious! Thankfully our next appointment is when we have an ultrasound scheduled again, and that will be when the doctor check EVERYTHING to make sure it's all going smooth - which I have no doubt it is :) I also have no doubt that we will find out the gender at the next appointment... unless the baby is positioned funny.
Justin and I have been able to feel the baby move a lot more this week, which is really exciting! I don't even mind when the baby completely shifts around and pushes/kicks my bladder. It's just a great feeling and can't wait to hold him/her.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Halfway There! Week 20

How far along? Week 20
Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs so far
Maternity clothes? I'm finding my regular clothes to be uncomfortable and tight, so I'll definitely need to stock up on my maternity clothes
Stretch marks? None! :)
Sleep: Sleep is constantly interrupted by bathroom breaks and bloody noses
Best moment this week: Daddy got to feel baby move!!!
Miss Anything? Feeling comfortable in my clothes!
Movement: Yes, there is more and more movement each week!
Food cravings: The usual, pickles, pizza and this past week brown sugar oatmeal! yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No queasiness here!
Have you started to show yet: I'm getting bigger and bigger
Gender: Hopefully we will know on the 15th!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in for now!
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy, especially now that I'm feeling baby move a lot more
Looking forward to: Our baby appointment on Tuesday

This past week I've got to relax a lot, with my hands on my belly and feeling the baby move like crazy! Daddy also got to feel the baby move finally! There have been so many times where the little bean starts to move, and I tell Justin to touch my belly, then it stops, so we're definitely both happy it finally happened. 
Other than the increased movements, this week has been very uneventful, aside from me discovering more and more clothes of mine that I can't fit comfortably into. My go-to clothing is usually yoga pants, leggings, and a loose top - as you can see in the picture! I just can't wait to buy more cute maternity clothes. I was always determined that I would not get the typical "pregnant" or "mom" looking clothes - I still want to be fashionable! And so far the only place I've found maternity clothes that I LOVE is at
Also, Daddy wanted to get in on the fun with the photo-session today, so we wanted to share this awesome picture of him showing off his baby belly so far! 

He was trying to pose like me. He's got the hand on hip thing right, however the duck lips are all him!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 19

How far along? Week 19
Total weight gain/loss: 4-5 lbs
Maternity clothes? I'm still wearing my regular clothes, but I now have maternity clothes on backup
Stretch marks? None! :)
Sleep: Sleep is going the same with the usual bathroom wake-ups
Best moment this week: Getting the time to just relax after all the traveling!
Miss Anything? Being able to button up my pants
Movement: I've been feeling the baby moving around :) Now I'm just trying to get the moment where Daddy can feel it too!
Food cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm still waiting for those weird cravings to show up!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells actually don't make me very queasy anymore, just more of unpleasant smells here and there.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes! I can't believe I still have a lot more to grow too!
Gender: Still unknown???
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Definitely happy and very anxious for May!
Looking forward to: Our next baby appointment!

It feels so long since I last updated! We got to go back home to Michigan and spend Christmas with our family and friends, so between the traveling and visiting with everyone, the blog kind of slipped our minds! 
In the past two weeks the only things new is that 1) I'm getting bigger! and 2) I can feel Baby move a lot more now! :)
It is so exciting to realize that it's the baby moving in there and not just gas like I thought! I usually try to have Justin touch my belly when the baby is moving, but so far he still hasn't felt it, but soon enough he will!
Baby Gale is already loved and can't wait to be held by many of our friends and family. Babe even got Christmas presents! The first Giraffe and the My First Bible is from to-be-Grandma and Grandpa Gale. They even labeled the Christmas presents under the tree for "Baby Gale", but of course Justin and I opened them :)

 And the soft Giraffe is actually something Justin and I got while we were doing a little after-Christmas shopping :) I couldn't help myself.

So as of right now we still do not know the gender of Baby Gale, but I am determined to find this out!... Before he/she arrives in May. The anticipation is driving me crazy, and I just want to start getting more gender specific items and planning done. Our next appointment with the OB/GYM is on January 15th, so hopefully then we will have better luck in finding out!