
Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 39

Our sweet little girl. 
You will be here in our arms in less than 4 days. Your daddy and I already love you so much; you're our whole world. I couldn't imagine not having you come into our lives. It has been so amazingly wonderful to watch and feel you grow in my belly, and we are so blessed to be your parents and get to watch you grow for the rest of our lives. 
You make our family that much more complete, and we promise to love you forever.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week 38+

We haven't had much new going on this past week. At the doctor's appointment last Wednesday we found out I was dilated to 2 cm, and I am progressing at a good pace. We were really hoping to get news to just head right to the hospital, BUT it might be a little while until then. Every day is just waiting around, going for walks, timing the very few contractions I have, packing, and resting. I usually just have contractions at night but they are inconsistent and not intense. I feel like this is going so slow, but I'm actually at a really good spot considering my due date is next Thursday/Friday. We are just so anxious and ready for her to be here!

On another note, we've gotten more stuff for baby this past week! 
The new nursing cover:
Purchased from Lilacs & Lollipops on Etsy

A new boppy pillow cover that matches baby G's blanket! I occasionally like to use this at night as I'm shifting to get comfortable with the 4 other pillows I use.
Purchased from Brownies N Butterflies on Etsy

And our lovely friend, Erin, sent us this Eddie Bauer high chair:
 from Target
And the Mei Tai Carrier that Justin is soooo excited to use! :)
Also from Target

I love the designs on them and can't wait to put them to use!!
The carrier will be of great help to us especially while we are down in Kansas since we don't have her stroller here. 

We've already received so many wonderful gifts from friends and family, and are so thankful! Baby G isn't here yet and already she is spoiled, but we are just so happy that we have all these wonderful people in our lives that already love her. We are truly blessed.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day & Pictures

It was wonderful to hear people wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. Although we are still waiting for Baby G to get here, I love her with all of my heart and think about her every second of the day, so I think I qualify to be a part of this whole Mother's Day thing by now! Especially since she will be here anytime now in the next 2-1/5 weeks! 
Today we went to church ( I got a carnation! ),

then enjoyed the lovely, yet hot day with our friends at the park to take pictures!

He's going to be such an amazing father. <3

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 37

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain: 21 lbs+ Lost a few pounds!
Maternity clothes? Whatever is thin and comfortable... it's getting too hot for my maternity clothes

Stretch marks? None
Sleep: I'm up every. single. hour.
Best moment this week:  Getting good news from the doctor :)

Miss Anything? Sleeeeeeeep. Coffee. Being cold out.
Movement: She's still moving around a lot!
Food cravings: Cinnamon rolls all the time!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of the dissections going on at the high school...
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Just the usually cramping and tightening

Symptoms: Shortness of breath and fatigue like crazy. 
 Belly Button in or out? Outie
 Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Drained, but so excited to get things rolling!
Looking forward to: Our next weekly appointment as usual!

Based on my most recent doctors appointment, I am 1.5 cm dilated! It is such as great thing to hear from my doctor about how good the pregnancy has gone and how the baby is doing. She says she is in the perfect position, and now we just wait for the next three weeks to see when she wants to come!
We're all set on baby stuff that we need while we are down here in Kansas until mid-June. It feels a little weird to be packing up the apartment while we are unpacking and setting up things for baby though. We also got the car seat in the car and ready to go, so it's definitely feeling real now! We just can't wait for her to get here already!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Week 36

How far along? 36 Weeks & 2 days
Total weight gain: 25 lbs+
Maternity clothes? Leggings, t-shirts... I may just start wearing Justin's clothes from now on. Oh wait, I already do!

Stretch marks? Been using lotion and oils everyday, sometimes twice a day! So far there are none
Sleep: Since she still moves around so much and pushes on my bladder, I'm not getting more than two hours of sleep at a time. Neither is Justin. It's just preparing us for when she comes...
Best moment this week: Seeing our sweet little girl again at the ultrasound. She's so big now!

Miss Anything? I miss being able to have a good workout. I can't wait until she's here and I can start my intense workouts again!
Movement: I can still feel her kicking and rolling around in there, which is very surprising with the limited space that's left.
Food cravings: No new cravings, but I really want some iced coffee... if only it would warm up outside...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smelly people...
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: None

Symptoms: I'm still having the tightening in my stomach every now and again, and I'm also experiencing soar ribs/shortness of breath.
 Belly Button in or out? Definitely out
 Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: My emotions have been up and down this past week, but I'm so happy!
Looking forward to: Our little girl's arrival! And for my next appointment to see if I am making any progress. 

I think she may just pop out of my belly button one of these days...
We had another appointment this past Wednesday and found out she is 6 pounds and 1 ounce!!!!! Woah baby! I'm surprised she still has enough room left to do all the somersaults she's been doing, but it isn't stopping her. I'm glad she's in a good range for her weight, but with 4 weeks until my due date, I'm a little nervous with popping out an 8 pound baby if she keeps gaining half of a pound each week. And another good thing, she is HEAD DOWN! I assumed she was since she's been kicking my ribs, but it is a relief to know and not have to schedule a c-section at this point. I use to be nervous of the possibility of a c-section, however, I would be okay if I needed one. It really helps to hear stories from other women and know that it isn't that horrible of a procedure/recovery. 
Now it all just depends on baby Gale. I hope she doesn't keep us waiting longer than the 30th, and at the next week's appointment I will be checked for Strep B, and if there is anything thinning going on. It's down to the last weeks of my pregnancy, and I couldn't be more happier and irritated at the same time. I now understand how frustrating the last few weeks are with being uncomfortable and almost peeing my pants everyday. Oh, to not feel all this pressure on my bladder soon, and to also feel my baby girl in my arms will be wonderful.