
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Week 17

How far along? Week 17
Total weight gain/loss: +4 lbs
Maternity clothes? None at the moment, however, I think I may need some soon!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Sleep has been rough the past week
Best moment this week: Getting to relax!
Miss Anything? Being able to breathe out of my nose!
Movement: I thought I have felt movement, but I'm not quite sure yet
Food cravings:Not much of anything right now
Anything making you queasy or sick: The same smells as before
Have you started to show yet: Yes I have!
Gender: Hopefully we will find out at week 20
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but not feeling so good!
Looking forward to: Going home for Christmas and seeing friends and family :)

Well we had the second trimester appointment with my OB/GYN on Monday, December 17th. Everything seems to be going really well and Daddy got to hear the heart beat this time with the Doppler! :)
We also got to see baby in another ultrasound, which was amazing to see how different Baby looks since the last time we saw him/her.

The little bean sure is growing fast! 
We were also hoping to find out the gender, although 16 weeks seems to be the earliest you might be able to find out, but the little bugger wasn't showing us! It was hard to get a good position to see, but also, it is so early in development still that it would only be a guess. (The ultrasound tech did guess at being a girl, but we will see!) I have my next appointment on January 15th at 20 weeks, so maybe we will have better luck then!
 It was definitely nice to have this week off before traveling home, since when we found out we were expecting I've been so busy with student teaching, I just really needed some lazy days! However, it hasn't been all that fun with this sinus/nasal congestion I have going on! It feels like a regular sinus infection, but it could also be a side affect from pregnancy. Thank goodness I have Theraflu to help me sleep a little bit during the night, and it really is my only option for medication. I'm thinking once we are home, I will feel as good as new! I'm just eager to talk baby stuff with friends and family :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 16

How far along? 16 weeks and 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Possibly 4-6 lbs. We will know Monday!
Maternity clothes? None, however, I can't button my pants! As long as I wear a long tank top, we're all good :-)
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Sleep has been good with a few times of waking up and shifting
Best moment this week: Getting to see family!
Miss Anything? Nothing as of right now
Movement: None yet ;-)
Food cravings: Just pickles!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The majority of food smells and all perfume/hair spray smells
Have you started to show yet: Yes I sure have!
Gender: We will find out soon!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: The happiest!
Looking forward to: Spending time with family, showing off my baby bump, and eating a lot of yummy holiday food!

I am a little late at updating the blog due to getting ready for family arriving in Kansas, and my graduation from College was today! I can't believe it has finally happened, but I am so thankful for been given this opportunity to pursue I career I love that is all for my family that Justin and I are building :)
Part of me has always believed that going through College isn't just for myself - and since meeting Justin, he has pushed me to work hard and do my best to succeed, and now our little bean has pushed me that extra mile to complete my degree because all I want is to provide my family with a wonderful, loving, stable home.
We get to finally see our little bean again on Monday December 17th since October! I'm so excited to see the difference and growth the baby has made, and we hope to find out the gender! We are still planning to have the ultrasound tech write it in a card, and we reveal it with family and friends while we are home! Other than finding out the gender of the baby as being a gift from Santa, I would love nothing more than to share this special moment with my family and closest friends. I can't wait for it. I can't wait for May!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Week 15

 How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: About 4 lbs gained!
Maternity clothes? None so far, however, my pants are becoming uncomfortable to wear without having it unbuttoned  =P
Stretch marks? None, and hopefully I won't get any!
Sleep: Sleep is going pretty good, aside from my sinuses burning at night
Best moment this week: No morning sickness!!!
Miss Anything? My energy
Movement: None yet! Hopefully very soon!
Food cravings: I haven't had any food cravings in a while. Foods don't sound or smell appetizing to me right now
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the smell of foods
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah!
Gender: Hopefully we will know in a week!!!!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy
Looking forward to: My next appointment in a week, and showing off my belly to friends & family over Christmas break!

After recovering from the wonderful stomach flu, I am starting to get energy back and I am having very little to none morning sickness. It's great to wake up and not struggle to get ready for work in the morning! My belly is definitely growing, but it's only visible in certain tops. 
My next doctor's appointment is in a little over a week, on December 17. At that point I will be almost 17 weeks, and we are hopefully finding out the gender of baby Gale!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 14

Well this week sure has been a rough one! Thanks to the stomach flu that I've had Wednesday - Friday, and now my husband has it, we weren't able to get up and get well enough to take a pretty picture for this weeks update. However, with all the fluids and weight I've lost, there really isn't much belly growth showing compared to last week. I was really hoping to avoid getting the stomach flu while being pregnant, but what can you do! I was worried about how it may affect the baby, but after calling my doctor, they said the only thing to do is to just ride it out and keep hydrated. It has been tough to eat/drink anything without feeling nauseous, but I/we am getting there.
On the brighter side, I had my second checkup on Monday, November 26. It was a very short visit, but my doctor used the Doppler so I could hear the heart beat which sounded fast but normal, and that was pretty much it! Also, my next appointment is December 17, and we are getting a second ultrasound to hopefully find out the gender! I think that is really all I want for Christmas! Justin and I don't want to know the gender right on the spot, so we plan to have the ultrasound tech write it in a card, then we hope to have a gender reveal party back at home in Michigan after Christmas where we find out with friends and family. One thing that has been extremely difficult is being pregnant and not being close to family and friends to share this exciting time with them, so I'm hoping this will happen and we get to share this moment with some very special people in our lives and who will also be special in our baby's life.