I've greatly neglected my blog. Although, I'm not too heart broken. Things change a lot when you have a husband, a baby, and a new job. That's an obvious statement, but what I mean has changed is my outlook on social media/networking that has changed as well. Yes, I still check Facebook and play silly games on my Iphone, but as time goes on I'm feeling more guilty and uninterested in wasting my time with technology and socializing via internet. Being a mommy has greatly changed me, and I love it. I think about my students and other children, how they are so wrapped around their technology at every second of the day. How available we make ourselves to technology and others by having a phone in our pocket, as well as allowing GPS to know where we are. It's a scary world. And Justin and I have to raise our sweet, precious little girl in this scary world.
One of the most valuable lessons I've learned while growing up is that you need to be a positive influence to your children, because your always going to be their role model, but it's up to you to chose to be a good one. Seeing how children are attached to technology, and even myself from time to time, I worry that this will happen to our little girl. I want her to be active, to have conversations with people face-to-face, to play outside in the yard, go sledding or swimming, read a book, go on dates in person, write notes to pass to friends in class on paper, go to school events, and know how to turn off the technology and not have it run her life. Therefore, we (Justin and I) must lead by example. We can't be our daughter's friend. We'll have time to connect with her on an adult level when she is much older, but for now, she is our child and we must do what is best for her. She may only be 7 months now, but she is already observing what we do and say. Babies learn fast, therefore, we need to learn how to put down the technology ourselves.
I've just lost interest in being a part of the online/social networking world. Which is a good thing, I believe. I have more time for God, my husband, my daughter, myself, my job, and all other things that are important in life. I have no issue occasionally updating my blog, or to share my experiences with mother-to-be online, but it will be very limited... so without further ado, 4 months later... here is Zoey: